Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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466 lines
#include "p4.h"
extern void slave();
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
Generic SPMD master program .. just creates environment
and then calls slave, just as the slaves do.
This probably does NOT do what U want on the iPSC.
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
static void Hello();
static void Ring();
static void Stress();
static void Globals();
static int GlobalReadInteger();
extern void synchronize();
void slave()
Test and time aspects of the system.
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int option;
(void) p4_soft_errors(FALSE); /* This should be the default */
p4_dprintfl(00,"%d is alive on a %s\n",me,p4_machine_type());
while (1) {
/* sleep(1); */ /* To allow output to catch up */
if (me == 0) {
/* Read user input for action */
(void) printf("\nOptions: 0=quit, 1=Hello, 2=Ring, 3=Stress, ");
(void) printf("4=Globals : ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
option = GlobalReadInteger();
if ( (option < 0) || (option > 4) )
goto again;
switch (option) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
p4_error("systest: invalid option", option);
static void Hello()
Everyone exchanges a hello message with everyone else.
The hello message just comprises the sending and target nodes.
int nproc = p4_num_total_ids();
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int type = 1;
int buffer[2], node, *input, length;
if (me == 0) {
(void) printf("\nHello test ... show network integrity\n----------\n\n");
(void) fflush(stdout);
for (node = 0; node<nproc; node++) {
if (node != me) {
buffer[0] = me;
buffer[1] = node;
(void) p4_sendx(type,node,(char *) buffer,sizeof buffer,P4INT);
input = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &node, (char **) &input, &length);
if ( (input[0] != node) || (input[1] != me) ) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "Hello: %d!=%d or %d!=%d\n",
input[0], node, input[1], me);
p4_error("Mismatch on hello process ids", node);
(void) p4_dprintfl(00,"Hello from %d to %d\n", me, node);
(void) fflush(stdout);
static void Ring()
/* Time passing a message round a ring */
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int nproc = p4_num_total_ids();
int type = 4;
int left = (me + nproc - 1) % nproc;
int right = (me + 1) % nproc;
char *buffer;
int start, lenbuf, used, max_len, *msg, msg_len;
double rate;
p4_usc_time_t start_ustime, end_ustime, used_ustime;
/* Find out how big a message to use */
if (me == 0) {
(void) printf("\nRing test ... time network performance\n---------\n\n");
(void) printf("Input maximum message size: ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
max_len = GlobalReadInteger();
if ( (max_len <= 0) || (max_len >= 4*1024*1024) )
max_len = 512*1024;
if (me == 0)
if ( (buffer = p4_shmalloc((unsigned) max_len)) == (char *) NULL)
p4_error("Ring: failed to allocate buffer",max_len);
type = 5;
lenbuf = 1;
while (lenbuf <= max_len) {
start = p4_clock();
start_ustime = p4_ustimer();
if (me == 0) {
(void) p4_send(type, left, buffer, lenbuf);
msg = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &right, (char **) &msg, &msg_len);
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);
else {
msg = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &right, (char **) &msg, &msg_len);
(void) p4_send(type, left, (char *) msg, msg_len);
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);
used = p4_clock() - start;
used_ustime = p4_ustimer() - start_ustime;
if (used > 0)
rate = 1.0e-3 * (double) (nproc * lenbuf) / (double) used;
rate = 0.0;
if (me == 0)
(void) printf("len=%d bytes, used=%d ms, used_us=%d rate=%f Mb/s\n",
lenbuf, used, used_ustime, rate);
lenbuf *= 2;
if (me == 0)
(void) p4_shfree(buffer);
double ranf()
/* Returns ran # uniform in (0,1) ... probably rather bad statistics. */
static unsigned long seed = 54321;
seed = seed * 1812433253 + 12345;
return (seed & 0x7fffffff) * 4.6566128752458e-10;
static void RandList(lo, hi, list, n)
int lo, hi, *list, n;
Fill list with n random integers between lo & hi inclusively
int i, ran;
double dran;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
dran = ranf();
ran = lo + (int) (dran * (double) (hi-lo+1));
if (ran < lo)
ran = lo;
if (ran > hi)
ran = hi;
list[i] = ran;
static void Stress()
Stress the system by passing messages between a randomly selected
list of nodes
#define N_LEN 10
static int len[N_LEN] = {0,1,2,4,8,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536};
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int nproc = p4_num_total_ids();
int zero = 0;
int type, lenbuf, i, j, from, to;
int *list_i, *list_j, *list_n;
char *buffer;
int n_stress, mod, *msg, msg_len;
type = 6;
if (me == 0) {
(void) printf("\nStress test ... randomly exchange messages\n-----------");
(void) printf("\n\nInput no. of messages: ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
n_stress = GlobalReadInteger();
if ( (n_stress <= 0) || (n_stress > 100000) )
n_stress = 1000;
lenbuf = n_stress * sizeof(int);
if (!(buffer = p4_shmalloc((unsigned) len[N_LEN-1])))
p4_error("Stress: failed to allocate buffer", len[N_LEN-1]);
type = 7;
if (me == 0) { /* Make random list of pairs and message lengths */
if (!(list_i = (int *) p4_shmalloc((unsigned) lenbuf)))
p4_error("Stress: failed to allocate list_i",lenbuf);
if (!(list_j = (int *) p4_shmalloc((unsigned) lenbuf)))
p4_error("Stress: failed to allocate list_j",lenbuf);
if (!(list_n = (int *) p4_shmalloc((unsigned) lenbuf)))
p4_error("Stress: failed to allocate list_n",lenbuf);
RandList((int) 0, nproc-1, list_i, n_stress);
RandList((int) 0, nproc-1, list_j, n_stress);
RandList((int) 0, N_LEN-1, list_n, n_stress);
for (i=0; i<n_stress; i++)
list_n[i] = len[list_n[i]];
p4_broadcastx(type, (char *) list_i, lenbuf, P4INT);
p4_broadcastx(type, (char *) list_j, lenbuf, P4INT);
p4_broadcastx(type, (char *) list_n, lenbuf, P4INT);
else {
list_i = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &zero, (char **) &list_i, &msg_len);
list_j = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &zero, (char **) &list_j, &msg_len);
list_n = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &zero, (char **) &list_n, &msg_len);
type = 8;
j = 0;
mod = (n_stress-1)/10 + 1;
for (i=0; i < n_stress; i++) {
from = list_i[i];
to = list_j[i];
lenbuf = list_n[i];
/* P4 can send to self
if (from == to)
continue; */
if ( (me == 0) && (j%mod == 0) ) {
(void) printf("Stress: test=%ld: from=%ld, to=%ld, len=%ld\n",
i, from, to, lenbuf);
(void) fflush(stdout);
j++; /* Needed when skipping send to self */
if (from == me)
(void) p4_send(type, to, buffer, lenbuf);
if (to == me) {
msg = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &from, (char **) &msg, &msg_len);
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);
if (msg_len != lenbuf)
p4_error("Stress: invalid message length on receive",lenbuf);
(void) p4_shfree(buffer);
if (me == 0) {
(void) p4_shfree((char *) list_n);
(void) p4_shfree((char *) list_j);
(void) p4_shfree((char *) list_i);
else {
(void) p4_msg_free((char *) list_n);
(void) p4_msg_free((char *) list_j);
(void) p4_msg_free((char *) list_i);
static int GlobalReadInteger()
Process zero reads an integer from stdin and broadcasts
to everyone else
int value, *msg, msg_len, type=999,zero=0;
if (p4_get_my_id() == 0) {
if (scanf("%d", &value) != 1)
p4_error("failed reading integer value from stdin", -1);
p4_broadcastx(type, (char *) &value, sizeof value,P4INT);
else {
msg = (int *) NULL;
(void) p4_recv(&type, &zero, (char **) &msg, &msg_len);
value = *msg;
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);
return value;
static int CompareVectors(n, a, b)
int n;
double *a, *b;
Return the no. of differences in two vectors allowing for
numerical roundoff.
#define ABS(a) (((a)>=0 ) ? (a) : -(a))
int nerrs = 0;
double diff;
while (n--) {
diff = *a++ - *b++;
if (ABS(diff) > 1.0e-8)
return nerrs;
static void Globals()
Test out functioning of the global operations.
int nproc = p4_num_total_ids();
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int n, i, start, used, nerrs;
double *a, *b, rate;
#define DO(string, op) \
start = p4_clock(); \
if (p4_global_op(33, (char *) a, n, sizeof(double), op, P4DBL)) \
p4_error("p4_global_op failed",n); \
used = p4_clock()-start; \
rate = (used>0) ? n/(1.0e+3 * used) : 0.0; \
nerrs = CompareVectors(n, a, b); \
if (me == 0) \
(void) printf("%s, len=%d, used=%d ms, rate=%f Mop/s, nerrs=%d\n",\
string, n, used, rate, nerrs);
if (me == 0) {
(void) printf("\nGlobal operations test\n----------------------");
(void) printf("\n\nInput vector length ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
n = GlobalReadInteger();
if ( (n < 0) || (n > 1000000) )
n = 1000;
if (!(a = (double *) p4_shmalloc((unsigned) (n*sizeof(double)))))
p4_error("failed to create work space (a)",n);
if (!(b = (double *) p4_shmalloc((unsigned) (n*sizeof(double)))))
p4_error("failed to create work space (b)",n);
/* Summation */
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
a[i] = i+me;
b[i] = nproc*i + (nproc*(nproc-1))/2;
DO("Summation", p4_dbl_sum_op);
/* Maximum */
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
a[i] = i+me;
b[i] = i+nproc-1;
DO("Maximum", p4_dbl_max_op);
/* Abs Maximum */
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
a[i] = i+me - n/2;
b[i] = MAX(n/2-i, i+nproc-1-n/2);
DO("Abs Maximum", p4_dbl_absmax_op);
/* Tidy up */
p4_shfree((char *) b);
p4_shfree((char *) a);
void synchronize(type)
int type;
Processes block until all have checked in with process 0
with a message of specified type .. a barrier.
int me = p4_get_my_id();
int nproc = p4_num_total_ids();
int zero = 0;
int *msg;
int msg_len, node, dummy = type;
if (me == zero) {
for (node=1; node<nproc; node++){ /* Check in */
msg = (int *) NULL;
if (p4_recv(&type, &node, (char **) &msg, &msg_len))
p4_error("synchronize: recv 1 failed", (int) msg);
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);
if (p4_broadcast(type, (char *) &dummy, sizeof dummy))
p4_error("synchronize: broadcast failed",type);
else {
if (p4_send(type, zero, (char *) &me, sizeof me))
p4_error("synchronize: send failed", type);
msg = (int *) NULL;
if (p4_recv(&type, &zero, (char **) &msg, &msg_len))
p4_error("synchronize: recv 2 failed", (int) msg);
p4_msg_free((char *) msg);